Othermothering and Othermothers in the Harry Potter Series


  • Aurélie Lacassagne


The Harry Potter series quickly became a classic of children’s literature and remains to date the most read work in the history of literature. That is certainly a good reason to examine more closely its representations of mothers and motherhood. In this paper, I argue that maternal practices and representations, particularly of othermother figures and othermothering practices, are central to the <em>Harry Potter</em> series and that they have specific psychological and social functions. I propose a typology of othermothers portrayed in this literary work. I then explore the psychological functions of other- mothers for readers. Lastly, I show the paramount role played by othermothers in social and political mobilization.


How to Cite

Lacassagne, A. (2016). Othermothering and Othermothers in the Harry Potter Series. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 7(1). Retrieved from https://jarm.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jarm/article/view/40326